How to use No - None - None of in sentence

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How to use No and none - kita harus cermat dalam mengambil kata dari bahasa sehari – hari kemudian di terapkan dalam bahasa Inggris. Terutama dalam mengatakan tidak, sebab ada banyak turunan dari kata tidak “ no” diantaranya tidak satupun (none of), tidak ada seorang pun (no one) Selain no dan not, ada yang harus di pahami lagi ketika kita mau menggunakan kata tidak “ none”, none of dan juga neither of mungkin yang lainya. Berikut penjelasan tentang How to use No and none dan turunanya:
No and None of are Determiners
It means determine a noun
Pattern:  No         + a noun
              None of + a noun
1. No
 - No is used directly before noun
   No means : not a , not any artinya tidak memiliki atau tidak ada
   ex. They have no time
         She has no reason
 - No is used at the beginning of the sentence
   “no” di gunakan di awal kalimat
   ex. no child is safe around this house
2. None is pronoun. so it doesn't need a noun after it.
  - it replaces countable and uncountable nouns
    None means: not one, not any artinya tidak ada satupun/ sama sekali
    ex.   How much money do you have? None
            My Boss has three cars and I have none
  - none (subject) + singular/ plural predicate
    ex. 1.she was asking permission, none was given
        2. she was asking for Tips, none were given
         1. None referring permission and this is singular so the predicate is singular too (was)
         2. None referring tips and this is plural so the predicate is plural too (were)
 - Never use none instead of no one, no body
    ex. She was calling for help, but none was there to help her. ( salah)
          She was calling for help, but no one was there to help her. (benar)
3. None of + the demonstrative (this, those) ex. none of this car is nice
                  + Possessives (my, their, your) ex. none of their friend know where the lake
                  + Pronoun      (he, she, it, us, them ) ex. don't be afraid, none of it was your fault
* don't use none of when there is another negation within sentence
   ex.    My friends don't give any of this idea for this company. (benar)
            My friends don't give none of this idea for this company ( salah)
* None of + a plural noun and the verb can be used in both: a singular or a plural form
 Singular is formal
   ex. none of the shops was /were open. (was is more formal then were)
* Two people or things use neither of
   Ex. There was a cop. neither of robbers moved a muscle.
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Damar Let's Study


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